'Dia Duit', keeping Irish fun, spoken, and accessible for every child regardless of their background or ability.
At CloudTree we designed a digital platform specifically for schools to support students expanding their Irish vocabulary. With this language app, students can enjoy the game independently or in pairs partaking in friendly competitions.
‘Cluiche Bruno’ provides clues to help them discover the target word. The app adapts to each student's progress and challenges. The game is easy to use, engaging, and beneficial. Cluiche Bruno (YouTube): Cluiche Bruno
Please email us info@cloudtree.ie or phone us 057 860 2748 for a demo.

For students:
Bruno – the lovable alien whose name we lend to the app itself provides a captivating storyline as the game progresses he needs the students' help to get back home. Diverse game modes – play solo, in pairs, against the computer monster. Reward system – rewards work and are a great motivator, students will collect stars and items to dress their in-game character.
For Teachers:
Access to an admin panel. Upload student names and select a vocabulary theme each week for school or homework. 1 Year’s of IT support to help set up, improve and support the use of this app in the classroom. A customised choice of themed vocabulary that the teacher can choose that will fit in with New Language Curriculum Planning. Eg. ‘Dathanna, Éadaí, An Scoil’, etc Differentiation: The teacher can select the different supports or challenges for each student’s tailored learning experience. Integration into classroom routines, it can be played with the whole class, in small groups, in pairs, or in a solo activity. Students can independently navigate the app in a safe and friendly environment.

For Parents:
Never too old to learn. Family-friendly features that allow parents to learn and play alongside their children. They can see their child’s progression at home. Promote a positive attitude toward the Irish in the home. Encourage the use of ‘cúpla focail’ with their children. For parents who were never taught Irish, it’s a wonderful introduction to the language.
Cluiche Bruno - Scoil
This game is designed by Irish teachers for students in the 3rd grade ages 8-9. The game is designed for use by students in the 3rd grade in a classroom setting. With “Cluiche Brunoa”, students solve word puzzles to improve their Irish Gaeilge vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation skills.